DRM-X 4.0 digital rights management platform brings high security protection to your protected files, and with the flexibility of DRM Rights you can realize the needs of your various business models and make your digital content better online sales.

When you use one License Profile to encrypt file, whether or not the license profile encrypts 1 or more files, these encrypted files belong to the same product. When users open this product, they only need to obtain one license, then they can open an entire product.
Most of our customers use one license profile to encrypt a course or product. You can set the product id in your system in the license profile, with the website's custom login page integration, you can easily determine which course or product the encrypted file opened by users belongs to.

Content providers can set multiple Rights for encrypted files, and only need to be associated in the license profile. When the user opens the encrypted file, multiple Rights will be displayed in the automatically pop-up license window. The price and validity period of each rights are different. The user can choose which rights to obtain.
When you integrate with the DRM-X 4.0 system, you can flexibly assign different Rights to users and update Rights in real time.

Ask about Haihaisoft products, pricing, implementation, or anything else — our highly trained reps are standing by, ready to help.