The first, Please download Xvast for, and open Xvast app, if you get this information.
warning screenshot:
Before MacOS 15, warning screenshot:
MacOS 15, warning screenshot:
MacOS 11.2, warning screenshot:
The solution is as follows:
Open "System Preferences"--"Security & Privacy" in the settings, Allow apps downloaded from: select “Anywhere”. If the option is disabled, please click the lock icon in the lower left corner.
And enter the system password in the pop-up box. Then choose Anywhere.
And Then open the Xvast again, input Password in the prompt box, and click Always Allow
MacOS 11.2 settings as follows:
If you don’t have the above settings, please open the Terminal App of the Mac system, enter the "sudo spctl --master-disable" and Enter.
And then input your system password and press enter again.